Sunday, September 5, 2010

Best European Work Week Ever

As the title suggests, I recently had my Best Work Week Ever!  Not only did I have the opportunity to go on a company financed trip to Austria to see my classmate Bayan (see previous post) but I also had a breakthrough with my co-workers. 

In my old life, I baked personalized birthday cupcakes for my department, threw baby showers, and had a few lunch time running & happy hour groups.  Middle-aged co-workers invited me to their kids’ birthday parties, tried to set me up with their nephews, and occasionally cried on my shoulder.  After two and a half months of trying to befriend my new co-workers and majorly striking out, I’d grown accustomed to the cordial but distant Swiss work environment.  I’d acquiesced to the fact that my workplace was just that - all work & no play.

Then out of the blue after a brief and sterile discussion on cost accounting:
French co-worker Christine: “Are you going to the futbol game tonight?”
Me: “What futbol game?” (Wondering does she need a ticket, does she think I have extras?)
So I accompanied Christine to the game that evening and had a blast cheering on Novartis.  A few nights later, we went to the spa together.

The next day after a brief and sterile discussion on forecasting:
Swiss co-worker Sasha: “My wife’s birthday is this weekend”.
Me: “Oh that’s nice.  What are you doing to celebrate?” (Hmmm that’s strange, Sasha barely says good morning most days.)
Sasha: “Do you like children?”
Me: “Um yes.” (Wondering, is he going to ask me to babysit? Wow he must be desperate since I didn’t even know he had children even though we’ve sat beside each other for 2.5 months.)
Sasha: “We’re going to have a BBQ, let me give you details”.
So I went to Sasha’s wife’s birthday party BBQ and had a great time eating bratwursts, playing futbol with the kids and charming guests with my appalling command of the German language.   

A few days later:
German co-worker Gayog: “Emily, come look at this.” pointing to his computer screen
Me: “Sure.” (Oh no, there must have been an error in the file I sent Gayog since he normally doesn’t speak to me unless he needs me to do something.)
Gayog: chuckling “Look at this cool car.”
Me: Wow I’ve never seen this guy crack a smile let alone chuckle.  He normally stares at me blankly when I make jokes.

It’s continued this way ever since.  Though the Europeans may be a bit slower to warm up than Americans, when they do warm up its genuine and I’m enjoying reaping the much improved workplace benefits.   

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